Corporate Social Responsibility – 2023

RW Attorney’s CSI Projects in 2023 were embraced in partnership with the Mohau Child and Youth Care Centre in Atteridgeville, Pretoria.
The projects included:

Youth Day (Winter Drive)


Mandela Day Outreach

The Mohau Child and Youth Care Centre provides care and support to orphaned, abused, abandoned, neglected and terminally ill children and their families who are infected/affected by HIV/AIDS. Mohau Centre provides temporary or permanent residential care and community based social services to the children and families. Children are placed at the centre through court orders.

Youth Day (Winter Drive)

Acutely aware of the bitterly cold winter, RW Attorneys donated winter clothes and shoes to the Mohau Centre.

Mandela Day

As part of our Mandela Day Outreach at the Mohau Centre, we spent our 67 minutes donating groceries and toiletries to the children. Gifts were also handed out to the helpers acknowledging their hard work, dedication and commitment done daily.